1785 Carol Sue Avenue
Terrytown, LA 70056
HomeMembership Guidelines & RulesEvents & Party Rental InfoTIDALWAVES Swim TeamTENNIS

Back to School Hours begin 8/3/21:
Tues-Thurs 5p-8p
Friday 5p - 10p
Sat. 12p-10p; Sun 12p-8p
May hours: 5/3/25 Sat. 12-10p; Sun. 12-8p​
Summer Hours begin Tues. 05/27/25
Tuesday-Thursday 12p-9p, 
Friday-Saturday 12p-10p; 
Sunday 12p-9p
Tennis Court Rules & Reservations
Court Rotation/Time Limits:
• Every member must sign in on Skedda, the online reservation system, prior to play.
• Tennis shoes are the only acceptable footgear. No other types of shoes or bare feet are permitted.
• Shirts must be worn at all times. Bathing attire is not permitted.
• Courts are to be used for tennis only, and only persons actually playing are permitted inside the enclosure. 
• No member may occupy two courts with guests at any one time.
• Courtesy to the players on the adjoining court is requested. Do not chase balls in the adjoining court. Do not cross behind until  
   invited to do so.
• Do not walk or stand in back or between courts while play is in progress.
• Sitting or leaning on the nets is damaging to the nets and net straps and is strictly prohibited.
• Tennis ball cans and other debris should be placed in the trash receptacles provided.
• Last players leaving the courts are responsible for cleaning the courts, turning out lights, and locking all four gates. All rollers and 
   brooms are to be hung inside the court fences.
• The Club, and its employees, are not responsible for personal property left at the courts.
• Parents bringing children with them while they play tennis are responsible for properly supervising their children. Noisy, unruly 
   behavior is a disturbance to others and should be controlled.
• Children using the tennis courts, under the age of 12, must be under direct and continuous supervision of an adult member whom s
   shall assume full responsibility of their behavior.
• Terrytown Country Club may revoke tennis privileges of those members who show continual disregard for the rules governing the 
   use of the tennis courts.
 • All players are required to sign in for court usage online and reserve court via the skedda online reservations system PRIOR to 
   play. You must reserve courts via: https://terrytowncountryclub.skedda.com/booking  
• A member who is unable to access Skedda online reservation system MUST contact the Tennis Liason to make reservations or 
   release courts prior to play. 
• No court may be reserved more than 3 days in advance. The reservation must list all player's names. 
• A member who has reserved a court must be on the premises within 10 minutes after the reserved court time or the reservation 
  shall be forfeited. 
• "Walk-on" Reservations: A “walk-on” reservation is non-advance reservation. You simply come to the court at the time desired, 
  ready to play. Friday through Sunday, courts are available for walk-on play without reservations, however, a reservation takes 
  priority. Sign in on Skedda and reserve any court available at that time.
• Weekend walk-ons are welcome on a first come basis, however, you must sign in on skedda upon arrival to indicate what court 
   you are playing on.
• Courts reserved for USTA, JCCA, and Intramural play are overseen by the tennis liaison and all amendments to these reservations 
   must be made through them
• Each individual player is limited to 30 minute advance reservation slots. Note: This does not include walk-on reservations. You may 
   take as many walk-on reservations as you are able to. 
• An individual player may reserve a court for practice for ½ hour, but not during prime time. (Ex. Practicing your serve by yourself.)
• Please cancel any reserved time as soon as possible if unable to make the court time. Court time is valuable and scarce. This 
   courtesy will help to insure optimum use of court time. A record of reservation “No Shows” reported will be kept. Repeat offenders 
   will be faced with suspension of their tennis privileges.
The TCC Board of Directors reserves the right to amend the rules at any time without advance notice. If changes are made, members will receive appropriate notification via email. Copies of the tennis court rules and regulations are available at any time via the country club website, www.terrytowncountryclub.com  or can be emailed upon request by contacting the club at TerrytownCoutryClub@gmail.com 
Guest Policy:
• Guests must be accompanied by a TCC member who is required to remain with and be responsible for the paid guest.
• Guest Fees: $5 per person to be paid via Skedda or turned into the office. 
• Guests must play on the same court as their host or hostess.
• Two members on a court does not trump another member and their paid guest.
Club Tournaments and League Play:
• Ladies USTA has courts 2 through 4 reserved every Monday from 6:30pm – 9:30pm for regulation play. Speak with a tennis captain 
   if you are interested in joining!
• Men’s JCCA has courts 1 through 4 reserved every Tuesday from 6:30pm – 9:30pm for regulation play. Speak with a tennis captain if 
   you are interested in joining!
• TCC Intramurals Leagues have courts 2 through 4 reserved every Thursday from 6:30pm – 9:30pm for play. Speak with an 
   intramural team captain if you are interested in joining!
• Intramural leagues must consist of club members only and must be approved by the board prior to officially forming. Eight person 
   minimum to form a league.
Miscellaneous Tennis Rules
• The Tennis Pro has Court 1 Monday through Friday, 5:00pm – 6:30pm (Jody Schmitt)
• A non-club sponsored professional tennis player (giving a private lesson to a member, for example) is subject to the normal guest 